Cherry Hill, NJ
tel. 856-874-1890
fax. 856-874-1899
The LBGTQIA community is a diverse group, and have many specific tax and planning needs.
The IRS has been historically "unfriendly" to this group, and offer little to no guidance. In our dedication to serve each client's needs, we continue to understand and apply decisions made from the IRS and the Courts.
NJ has not much better either! We have worked with our clients to understand and comply with Federal and NJ laws with regards to benefits, Civil Union, Marriage, and planning.
Recently, we have enjoyed the challenges of understanding and applying the rulings of the O'Donnabhain case in determining which medical expenses are allowable as a deduction for clients with medical bills from Gender Identity Disorder treatment and undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery. Properly preparing a return, and retaining records and letters of Medical Necessity are critical.
Copyright © Arlene L. Shults, CPA.